Frances Keung
is an animator from Hong Kong based in London. She has a unique perspective on visual communication and animation creation. Her animations have a humorous, unique and emotionally focused style that engages the audience and immerses them in the storyline. Using different techniques, processes and materials, she is able to create a powerful visual effect that can only be achieved through the facial expressions and performances of the characters.


Her graduation film ‘Procrastination’ is a short animation series within Humour sitcom style. The concept is ‘Tomorrow is DEADLINE, but everything is becoming attention grabbing except the works.’


For the final animation, Frances Keung took a unique approach by creating a physical model of the animation background and photographing each shot. This allowed her to bring a tangible and authentic feel to the project. To enhance the animation further, she incorporated digital drawings to showcase the character movements, actions, and storyline. By combining these physical and digital elements, she created a cohesive and engaging narrative that captivated the audience. The sense of humour really needs to consider about the rhythm and the timing of the story style of character and in order to capture the audience’s attention in a short time.


For the project, Frances Keung collaborated with Taylor Green, a student from Leeds Conservatoire, to create a professional-quality background music track. Additionally, she collaborated with Christ Burstow, Cameron Mowat, and Hyo Kim from the Illustration Animation course at Kingston to produce the voice-over and sound effects.



<Stop Procrastinating!!!>